# Obama has a forward head posture. It is a contemporary medical condition of having your neck tilted forward so that you head does not sit right on your spine but a bit forward. It comes from looking at laptops and iPads. Most of us have that condition, so I didn’t notice that while looking at Obama, but rather while looking at Romney with good posture.
# Obama’s hand gesture is enclosing. He seems to be explaining his idea by creating groups of ideas. Whereas Romney seems to be leveling his ideas. Romney’s hand gesture is more linear and horizontal. This is interesting compared to how we artists talk. I’ve noticed in artists talks that artists would often have vertical hand gestures as if they were grasping an idea that is floating above. We often look upwards to bring words to our mouth.
# This lead me to think that politicians and artists are at the opposite end of our social food chain. Politicians are generally from wealthy families, trying to win votes from the lower class. Artists are generally from working class families, and we make money from the rich people. This is not entirely true, but that is the general conception.
# So at least in theory, politicians and artists are mutations of the classical sense of food chain. We both deny the common sense of the strong eating the weak.
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