Thursday, October 4, 2012

Presidential Debates

I started watching without sound at 11:00 min, after watching it through all the way with sound.  It was kind of distracting without sound...especially after listening to it with sound, I just kept focusing on what I had heard and trying to figure out what part they were at, so I wish I wouldn’t have done that.  On that note, Romney’s hand gestures were way more aggressive.  His hands shot into the air with purpose in some places and then quickly went slipped into awkward positions with holding hands in the same place like he was forcing himself to have movements at some points, really quite comical.  His facial expressions were really attacking I thought to.  He usually directed his attention to the President and was very clear with his facial expressions.  
The President’s hands seemed softer and his body gestures were less aggressive.  His suit blended a little too much for me with the blue suit, blue tie, but it did really go with his demeanor.  Were as Romney had a red face and red tie and was really convincing with his face, body, most of the time.  A little distracting was the President’s arm length and fit of his suit, with the cropping of the video, waist up, he looked really bunchy and on top of his light gestures it really made him look childlike almost, which definitely wasn’t read with the sound on.  Romney’s suit also didn’t fit well; he was a lot boxer too. That seemed to go with the overall appearance he was trying to convey. 
Altogether I find the hand gestures completely irritating and so fake, especially when the sounds off.  I would love to just sick sound bites over top of the video and create something really great.  That would be quite entertaining and really fitting.  I mean, to ‘stage’ hand motions, clearly they both were, to me is just insulting.  Yes, if your not really listening I think you can interpret body language and appearance and have it be quite impressionable, but if I a 23 year old, can understand and appreciate a debate without the shitty antics of poor gestures and bad timing, I think everyone else can do without theatrics and watch the debate for what it is, a debate.

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